Introducing the...
During this fun-filled, 5-Day masterclass, you’ll discover…
The PERFECT Boogie-woogie right-hand riff that sounds GREAT and strengthens your hand coordination with 3 brain-stimulating “neuroscience-approved” practice tips.
How to easily play the “proper” left-hand Boogie Woogie shuffle rhythm… all it takes is just two fingers.
A manageable, step-by-little-step daily guide to get you into the groove of learning Boogie Woogie. You show up, I’ll do the rest.
By the end of this 5-day experience, you’ll be playing a complete piano Boogie Woogie and LOVE the creative, exciting sounds flowing from your fingertips.
Start playing the Boogie Woogie you love without having to sit through endless boring lessons.
To be sure each step of this fun 5-day journey sinks into your fingers, I’ve got a very special Boogie Woogie tool for you.
At the end of each video lesson, I’m giving you a “Play Along” session. This is where you and I get to play together and practice the exercises taught in each lesson.
I play a Boogie Woogie pattern on-screen with my interactive software, and you can see everything I do. I show you how it’s done, then you literally play along WITH me!
With this ‘Easy to use’ interactive software, you can…
Slow down or speed up each exercise.
Loop each exercise on repeat so you can get it into your muscle memory faster.
Follow along with me, watching my hands on the keyboard.
See and print out the sheet music.

You’ll also get my 3 favorite, practical tips for adult learners. They are very applicable and are designed for you to get use of them right now, without delay.
Until now, no piano teacher I’ve ever come across teaches these tips, because most piano methods are for young people, not older learners.
You’ll find these tips in Module 1 of the mini-course. They include such secrets as…
How to organize your practice sessions to tap into the strengths of your brain and nervous system. This is the best way to implant what you’re learning and get them deeper into your long-term learning.
How to quickly charge the 2 brain chemicals essential for learning. 10 to 20 repetitions of this comfortable physical activity awakens your mind making it ready to learn, no matter your age.
A “10-second” secret to tapping into your brain’s most powerful learning tools. Insert a few of these at random during your practice session to learn each of these skills much faster.
The most manageable, relaxed Boogie Woogie learning experience.
These videos are yours to keep.
You can learn anytime at your own pace.
Use the interactive software to quickly get each exercise into your muscle memory.
Enroll now in the 5-Day Boogie Woogie
“Get Started” Masterclass.

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Josef Sykora is one of the best online piano teachers when it comes to creating a truly manageable, step-by-step journey to learning piano.
With 20+ years of teaching experience, his YouTube videos and courses have helped millions of aspiring pianists all over the world.
Josef’s calm, easy manner will get you relaxed and filled with confidence as he takes you by the hand through each step of your piano journey.
Join Josef on the rewarding journey of discovering the musician already inside you.

If you’re not THRILLED with your experience on this 5-day journey… if you're not loving the sounds coming from your fingers… if you still haven’t had a blast getting the hand of the left-hand chop and the right-hand riff…
We’ll gladly send you back your money.
You have 30 days to go through this mini-course before you decide if you find it valuable.
If you’re not satisfied with the course for any reason, let us know so I can send you a full refund.
Sound fair?
If so, it’s time to…
If you’re like most adult learners, you’ve been waiting a long time to learn this fun type of piano playing.
At last, the wait is over.
Now, with these manageable, easy to follow, step-by-little-step videos, you can learn to play your first FULL Boogie Piano.
You’ll enjoy hours of fun by learning the tricks and techniques in these 5 short videos.
You’ll even surprise your friends and family with some fun Boogie Woogie, instead of the same old exercises and nursery rhymes.
You could keep playing those old nursery rhymes and less-than-exciting traditional exercises.
It’s up to you.
But I can’t wait for you to try your hands at these amazingly fun… and very easy to learn Booge techniques.
That’s the whole idea of the 5-Day “Get Started” Boogie Woogie Maserclass.
To show you just how much fun you can have in 5 short video lessons.
The choice is yours.
But isn’t it about time you had some FUN?!
Click the button below to enroll today…
Let’s Boogie!
Josef Sykora

Enroll Today In The...
Learn to Play Your First ‘COMPLETE’ Piano Boogie Woogie In Just 5 Days–Even If You’re A Beginner