The Secret To EFFECTIVE Piano Practice...
Don't Struggle and Waste Valuable Time Not Knowing What to Practice, How to Practice or Where to Even Start...
One Time Payment, Lifetime Access!
All orders 100% SAFE using our SECURE 'SSL' encrypted server
NOW INCLUDES THE BRAND NEW - "Beginner Routines" Course! Your perfect 'get started' route map to go from never touching a key before to confidently playing impressive, beautiful music on that piano.

I asked over a thousand of you the most important question EVERY piano teacher should ask. You're about to discover the results. But first...
Heyup, Josef here from Creative Piano Academy.
Fun fact! I have the same accent as Jon Snow! Its true... watch the video above and you'll see. Anyhoo...
I've taught kids as young as six, and even those at the age of 77 (yep... just starting and its amazing to see that passion and progress)...
Over 14 years of teaching, and more importantly... TALKING to my students...
You pick up a few things to make piano practice not only more effective, but insanely enjoyable at the same time
Does this sound familiar?...

"The biggest barrier for adult beginners is where to start"
Have you ever sat down at that piano wondering where to even start?
Wondering if you're practicing the right skills… or even, "how does this help me…"
where does it fit in?
Why am I not improving faster?
Do you struggle with patience and try songs that are too difficult when YOU KNOW you are still having problems with basic co-ordination between hands?
And somehow you don't feel confident or sound fluent at that piano. And you know it… It just doesn't sound… well… good.
All those scales/arpeggios/chord inversions on their own just don't cut it!
Without a specific goal and a solid action plan for our piano practice... we try this and that… Watch one of the THREE MILLION videos on youtube, try something new for three hours and then get bored.
What's that last skill you learned ACTUALLY useful for anyway?
You are not alone...
Over and over again I would hear this kind of thing from my students and even those who watch my youtube videos.
Check out this email from Michelle. Maybe it sounds familiar?
I've seen so many people lose motivation and give up because they feel overwhelmed.
And achieving your goals certainly is... to quote Michelle... 'Easier said than done'
Unless, you have a 'route map' to follow. With a Route Map you would know exactly
WHAT to practice,
WHY you are practicing those things and
HOW your practice fits into YOUR goals and ambitions as a pianist...
Hey... with a proper route map... You wouldn't be overwhelmed AT ALL! In fact, your progress will literally skyrocket!
Creating a route map isn't difficult. Just a few questions can put things in perspective and make it much clearer for you.

Do you have a 'Route Map' to follow when you sit in front of that piano?
What are your goals? and
What are you struggling with?
These are the FIRST things you should ask yourself…
And you know what… most piano teachers simply don't ask these questions. And it's a real problem. Instead they funnel you down the one size fits all "Row row row your boat" traditional route of boredom and despair.
Hey, I had 'traditional' piano lessons as a kid and let me tell you... it's an instant passion killer!
Do you want to...
Be able to improvise and do frills and make beautiful music beyond just holding down chords and notes?
Be able to sit and play confidently and fluently without thinking always of what the next step should be.
Be able to accompany yourself singing
Or simply play some nice music without worrying about becoming an expert concert pianist...
Could be any number of reasons. But we all have something that made us look at a piano and go…
"YES". Piano is for me!
Hold onto this reason because it will help you create a 'route map' of what to practice...
Without a solid direction to our practice, what I like to call a 'Big Practice Goal', there's no clear result to the effort that we put in. More on this in a sec...
Instead we practice a bunch of boring exercises… Exercises we think we need to repeat over and over again as time crawls by,
And were left hoping our skills will come with practice, practice and practice.
But we don't seem to advance quickly… and it's incredibly frustrating!
And what's worse… there's just not enough time in the day to do everything we want to do, let alone find time for piano practice. I know thats how I feel.
Time is really precious and practicing things that aren't actually helping us… is wasting time.
Time we could and should use FAR more effectively!
"The biggest barrier for adult beginners is where to start"

Did you know… We are biologically wired to maximise results for minimal effort.
If you put lots of energy into something which has no 'practical' improvement… your biological brain is gonna kick in and go "nope, you're done".
Motivation… Gone!
This is why it's so hard when we learn all these different fragmented skills, perhaps on youtube, but we don't know where they fit into our overall skills and ambitions as a pianist.
"I need a route map which will take me from where I am now to where I want to be on the piano."
This is why it's so important when we sit down at that piano to have a goal in mind... What I like to call...
A Big Practice Goal (BPG for short)
Sounds obvious right?
It should be but alas, we're either....
- Thrust down the 'this is how you play piano, ba ba black sheep' approach which bears no relation to why we started to play the piano in the first place,
- We lack direction and overwhelm ourselves with the million and one things we think we should be learning… lose hope and give up.
Think about it like this.
You're at the bottom of the biggest mountain you have ever seen.
The peak sits above the clouds and you can't even see it.
You don't focus on that peak way off in the distance and set off with your flat-cap and backpack. Its just too overwhelming, not to mention all that experience and training you need to reach the peak...
Instead, you set challenges and milestones. Distances you can achieve and little challenges you can overcome.
One step at a time you inch closer to that peak.
You might have to go east or west, you might hit a dead end, you might hit a wall you have to climb. All these challenges you overcome and milestones you cross lead you closer to the peak of the mountain.
So... what does all this mean?
Well, the peak of the mountain represents why you wanted to learn piano in the first place... What got you excited... Your personal ambition. After all, there are thousands of mountains to climb... and you can choose whichever one you want.
The challenges and milestones represent your 'Big Practice Goals'. Each one moves you closer to the peak.
The steps you take to overcome your milestones are the individual exercises...
So you see... Your exercises help you achieve your 'Big Practice Goals'... Your Big Practice Goals help you achieve your personal ambition as a pianist.
In Creative Practice Routines, every routine has a Big Practice Goal, exercises to help achieve your Big Practice Goal and works the skills YOU need to become the pianist you want to be!
You might be thinking...
"fair enough but what are these Big Practice Goals and how do they help me?"
As a piano teacher with over 14 years of experience... I see more progress, more motivation and definitely more enjoyment in my students when I ask the simple question...
"What are you struggling with?"
It's then my job to create a practice plan specifically designed to help you achieve your goals, overcome your struggles and learn the core piano skills you need... whilst also having an INSANE amount of fun.
So I asked you... "What are you struggling with?"
300 responses... a spreadsheet... hours of analysing the most common struggles, and lots of coffee later...
The result was... Creative Practice Routines.
Introducing Creative Practice Routines...
5 'DONE FOR YOU' practice routines + a step-by-step PIANO PRACTICE FRAMEWORK you can use to practice the skills you WANT to practice... Create a route map for your piano practice sessions and avoid the traps of feeling overwhelmed and frustrated when you sit in front of that piano.

The 'practice routines' course - 5 '30 minute' piano practice routines designed from the ground up to help you with YOUR personal "Big Practice Goals" and develop your core skills.
The full 'BEGINNER ROUTINES' course designed to take you from the very beginning to playing music FAST
The perfect 'plug and play' piano practice framework + Intro routine perfect for beginners (Lesson 1)
How to create your own personal practice routines so you never feel overwhelmed when you sit down to practice.
2 'Pro' piano practice principles you can use to transform EVERY exercise into a powerhouse for building confidence and fluidity in your piano playing. (Lesson 6)
How to create infinite practical and melodic exercises so you never feel stuck or overwhelmed with what to practice (Bonus lessons 2 and 3)
How to take a piece of sheet music and create exercises to plug into your practice routine. (Bonus lesson 1)
"Although I have only been applying the principles of the Practice Routine for a few sessions, I have found that the major benefit is to introduce discipline. I am sure that others would agree that whilst YouTube is a great resource for learning piano it is also a MAJOR distraction.
Previously I have spent huge amounts of time 'trying out' ideas I have picked up from watching random YouTube videos without any real idea of what I wanted to achieve. Consequently I achieved very little.
With 'Creative Practice Routines' I am forced to think about where I wish to go with piano, define some goals and exercises aimed at reaching this, and I am able to spend my time with much more focus."
Creative Practice Routines Student
"Hi my name is Deborah, I have been listening to Josef on youtube for only a few months. I watched a lot of youtube piano videos over the last year and in the past I have joined 2 piano sites.
I have found through this course in creative practice routines exactly what I was looking for. Thank you Josef for taking the time and moving at a slow pace which gives the student a good chance to absorb your material.
My struggle has always been with hand independence, but Josef has a gift of creativity so you can enjoy learning instead of becoming bored with a boring routine that leads to nowhere.
Many blessing with your new site Josef. I would recommend your site and course to everyone."
Deborah Camuti
Creative Practice Routines Student
"Hi im a 68 yr old guy who is helping my 9 yr old granddaughter learn the piano. Our time together is limited so that's an obstacle.
Mariah loves to sing and loves singers who also play piano. After doing some of your practice routines she enjoys listening to the "music" she's playing and spends extra time playing it.
I am amazed at the speed of the progress she has made. She loves watching your videos. Especially the accent. Haha. Thanks"
Frank Rodrigo
Creative Practice Routines Student
I always struggled playing the same thing over and over again and having no practical clue how to get to the next level…
Creative practice routines gave me loads of variety in my exercises: Hand coordination, rhythm exercises etc. It paid off and actually got me canvassing for you. Yep! Whole truth.
I've found I can play from the way I feel. I kinda realised this so creative practice routines rekindled my interest to learn more. Am fired up and hungry for more!"
Abraham Osana
Creative Practice Routines Student
"I'm in the senior citizens bracket as I'm retired, and what I have found in following your videos is that I can make music. I'm an 'on and off' beginner, didn't stick with anyone particular so didn't progress.
But with you Joe I'm making progress at a cost I can afford. God bless you. So glad I found your site, plus you are pleasant to listen to and your music doesn't blast yours ears. Some do you know. I may be making slow progress but I'll catch the train."
Carol M Aspinall
Creative Practice Routines Student
"I've always struggled with what to practice and how long. When to change routines and how to organise my time depending on the available length of this or that session.
By sticking to Creative Piano Academy's organisation, which is logical and adaptive, I'm no longer overwhelmed and I feel more comfortable before, during and after my Piano session of the day.
What I also like is all of Josef's little technical advices that he inserts into his videos: Each is so useful, for example the one about slightly rotating the wrist while using a finger as a pivot has increased my left-hand ease of play a lot!"
Frédéric Texier
Creative Practice Routines Student
Here's a breakdown of each lesson in the course...
Disclaimer: Actual Piano Not Included 😉

The Best Adult Piano Practice Plan
This is where we start. It will form the foundation of your piano practice. A tight, 30 minute piano practice framework you can use as a basis for all your practice sessions. Including all the routines in this course.
Its designed to...
Increase the effectiveness of every second spent practicing by following the '3 Must-Know' secrets you must apply to get the most out of your session.
Provide a starting routine, perfect for beginners which you can use to get started straight away
Introduce you to the full, step-by-step inner workings of the 'Piano Hiit' Routine. The structure for all the routines in this course
Eliminate overwhelm by ensuring you work towards a proper 'Big Practice Goal' and know EXACTLY what you will be practicing before you hit that first key.

Improving Your Hand Independence
BY FAR... the most requested routine and the skill you want to develop the most. I've developed 3 'unique' exercises using a sweet sounding chord progression to get those hands working independently and give the brain a good workout.
Seriously... One of the exercises you don't even need to be sat at a piano... you can practice ANYWHERE!
So, working rhythmic patterns with nice syncopation... This routine will get you started!

Adding Interesting Movement To Chords
If you're fed up just moving between block chords without knowing how to connect them together... This Routine is for you!
We explore smooth chord transitions using passing notes, rhythm and add some melodic movement to inject some life into our chord progressions.

Hitting The Right keys...
Hey, accuracy and hitting those right keys is super important for building confidence. No-one wants to listen (including you) to a load of smashed notes and hesitations.
This routine will get you hitting those right keys with ease, but you can also apply this simple principle to ANY exercise at all to inject new life into it. You can turn ANYTHING into a "hitting the right keys" machine.
At its core is about developing that comfort behind the piano. That familiarity you see in pro pianists. Like they know the keys like the back of their hand!

Nailing Your Fingering (Ha Ha... Hmm)
One really important skill, particularly when it comes to playing fluently... is having a good grasp of fingering.
Now, I can't promise this will be the be all and end all of fingering... truth is, its one of those skills which develops over time the more you play. But... if you want an exercise to supercharge it, specifically designed to help you improve fingering whilst moving between positions... This Routine will set you on the right path.
Throughout this routine, i'm explaining whats going on... why we use the fingers we do and i've included a few little tricks in this pattern to make it a good ol' challenge!
Hey... No pain no gain right?

Learning A Popular Song
One of the best things about playing piano is to able to simply sit and play a great song.
Now I can't teach every song inside this one little routine but if you follow and understand the piano practice framework... You will be able to combine any piano techniques and exercises you want and use these to learn whatever song you want.
I give a solid 'plug and play' example in this routine. Its a great modern song... It combines most of the skills in the other routines including hand independence and rhythm. You're gonna love it and its waiting for you inside the course!
Lesson 6 - How To Turn EVERY Exercise Into a Powerhouse For Building Confidence and Fluidity

This is where we get to the good stuff. The tools that will start developing you as a serious pianist! Everything you've done so far throughout the course will apply directly in this lesson!
I explore 2 'Core' principles you can apply to any exercise and use it to develop your confidence and fluidity. 2 fundamental skills that get you sounding like a pro.
My ambition for this course was NOT to give you a load of routines and exercises and get you to simply copy them. You can do this of course... and there's nothing wrong with that...
I wanted to leave you with the tools you can use to develop yourself as a musician and start to explore your creativity.
In this lesson you will learn...
How to develop confidence and fluidity
How using 'The Room Technique' can kickstart your creativity without getting confused and overwhelmed
How to get creative and create actual music without worrying about EVERY chord, loads of theory, melody techniques etc.
How to apply these 'core' principles to every Practice Routine in the course + specific 'plug and play' examples to get you started and get way more mileage out of each routine.
How pressure leads to adaptation and progress + how to apply this to your exercises and get way more benefit out of them
Now that's not all.
Every routine in the course is designed to help you over come a specific struggle...
You have a practical framework for your practice sessions + the tools you can use to develop your own Big Practice Goals...
But... there's always room for more
So, i've included a few bonus lessons where I share some actionable techniques to make sure you never run out of piano exercises...
Here's what you can expect.

Bonus 1
We can use the routines from the course... We can create our own goal driven exercises and routines...
But what about learning from sheet music. Bach maybe? A bit of Beethoven?
In this Bonus video I go over the '3' stages of learning a piece of music and how you can create your exercises, put them in your practice routine... no matter what ability stage you are at!

Bonus 2
Wondering "How do I know what to practice?" or "I might run out of exercises?"
In this bonus video which I've called 'No Excuses'... we explore how to create INFINITE finger exercises and how to plug them into your practice routine.
Not only are they great for getting your fingers moving, I also show you how to get melodic with them and turn EVERY exercise into a piece of music!

Bonus 3
STILL Wondering "How do I know what to practice?" or "I might run out of exercises?"
In 'No Excuses Part 2'... we explore how to create INFINITE Chord based exercises and how to plug them into your practice routine.
Perfect for starting accompaniment techniques, getting familiar with all those chord positions and getting your chords sounding more melodic and interesting!

Bonus 4
Bonus 4 - Play Along With Me Sessions
- Really get to grips with the exercises from every routine by taking them slow and steady with me in real time.
- In these bonus videos we can play the exercises together at different speeds starting off very slow and gradually speeding up until we reach 'normal' speed.
- This is a great learning tool to hone those skills once you've got the basics down.
YES! I'm Ready To Get Started Today
Buy today for Lifetime Access...

Here's What You Get When You Order Today:
Full lifetime access to the 'Creative Practice Routines' course
Full lifetime access to the 'Beginner Practice Routines' course
Access to the members website containing additional 'tips' and 'resources'
Your Piano Practice Framework designed to eliminate overwhelm + A 'Get Started' Routine, perfect for beginners
5 'Plug and Play' Practice Routines designed to overcome 'your' specific stuggles
The tools and principles you need to take control of your piano journey
Access to the private 'Creative Piano Academy Facebook Group'
Plus These Amazing Bonuses
How to turn any piece of sheet music into practical exercises no matter what stage you're at
How to create 'infinite' melodic finger movement exercises
How to create 'infinite' chord progression exercises (Get so familiar with your chords, you can literally fly up and down the keys)

All orders 100% SAFE using our SECURE 'SSL' encrypted server
Disclaimer: This is NOT a subscription. You can choose to pay for the course outright for a one time fee, or simply spread the payments over 2 months using a payment plan. After 2 months, you will NOT be charged again and you will have lifetime access to the course.
"Although I have only been applying the principles of the Practice Routine for a few sessions, I have found that the major benefit is to introduce discipline. I am sure that others would agree that whilst YouTube is a great resource for learning piano it is also a MAJOR distraction.
Previously I have spent huge amounts of time 'trying out' ideas I have picked up from watching random YouTube videos without any real idea of what I wanted to achieve. Consequently I achieved very little.
With 'Creative Practice Routines' I am forced to think about where I wish to go with piano, define some goals and exercises aimed at reaching this, and I am able to spend my time with much more focus."
Creative Practice Routines Student
"Hi my name is Deborah, I have been listening to Josef on youtube for only a few months. I watched a lot of youtube piano videos over the last year and in the past I have joined 2 piano sites.
I have found through this course in creative practice routines exactly what I was looking for. Thank you Josef for taking the time and moving at a slow pace which gives the student a good chance to absorb your material.
My struggle has always been with hand independence, but Josef has a gift of creativity so you can enjoy learning instead of becoming bored with a boring routine that leads to nowhere.
Many blessing with your new site Josef. I would recommend your site and course to everyone."
Deborah Camuti
Creative Practice Routines Student
"Hi im a 68 yr old guy who is helping my 9 yr old granddaughter learn the piano. Our time together is limited so that's an obstacle.
Mariah loves to sing and loves singers who also play piano. After doing some of your practice routines she enjoys listening to the "music" she's playing and spends extra time playing it.
I am amazed at the speed of the progress she has made. She loves watching your videos. Especially the accent. Haha. Thanks"
Frank Rodrigo
Creative Practice Routines Student
I always struggled playing the same thing over and over again and having no practical clue how to get to the next level…
Creative practice routines gave me loads of variety in my exercises: Hand coordination, rhythm exercises etc. It paid off and actually got me canvassing for you. Yep! Whole truth.
I've found I can play from the way I feel. I kinda realised this so creative practice routines rekindled my interest to learn more. Am fired up and hungry for more!"
Abraham Osana
Creative Practice Routines Student
"I'm in the senior citizens bracket as I'm retired, and what I have found in following your videos is that I can make music. I'm an 'on and off' beginner, didn't stick with anyone particular so didn't progress.
But with you Joe I'm making progress at a cost I can afford. God bless you. So glad I found your site, plus you are pleasant to listen to and your music doesn't blast yours ears. Some do you know. I may be making slow progress but I'll catch the train."
Carol M Aspinall
Creative Practice Routines Student
"I've always struggled with what to practice and how long. When to change routines and how to organise my time depending on the available length of this or that session.
By sticking to Creative Piano Academy's organisation, which is logical and adaptive, I'm no longer overwhelmed and I feel more comfortable before, during and after my Piano session of the day.
What I also like is all of Josef's little technical advices that he inserts into his videos: Each is so useful, for example the one about slightly rotating the wrist while using a finger as a pivot has increased my left-hand ease of play a lot!"
Frédéric Texier
Creative Practice Routines Student
Is this course for me?
Look, i'm not gonna 'Take the Mick' as we say up here in the north of England... No sleazy marketing speak!
If you are looking for a step-by-step 'How to play piano' course... By that I mean, everything from the very beginning. This course is NOT for you. That course would be expensive and NEVER end!
This course tackles a specific struggle I hear time and time again. That is... I don't know how to practice piano.
Therefore this course's sole aim is to equip you with the principles you need to create your own route map and structure your piano practice so you get WAAAAYYY more out of that time spent at the piano. Principles you can apply for a lifetime of piano practice.
There are 3 separate sections to this course.
The plan - Everything you need to know to sort out your piano practice with structure and direction.
The Beginner Routines - If you have never touched a key before but want the fastest and clearest way to get started and learn the most essential core skills to play beautiful music fast... Then 'The Beginner Routines' is perfect for you!
And... The Creative Practice routines - A collection of 5 routines designed to overcome your most common struggles on the piano as well as infuse confidence and fluidity in your playing.
There are lots of solid routines in the course (amongst other tasty morsels) but these are to be seen as examples of the practice principles that will get you results fast.
If you're super advanced, been playing for years and comfortable with your piano practice and progress... this course will be too easy for you.
If however, you like being in control of what you practice, how you practice and when... (which often isn't possible with traditional lessons), then this course would be good for you.
After all you have lifetime access to the course and you can go through the videos at your own pace and in your own time
Here Are A Few More Things You Will Learn Inside The Course...
YES! I'm Ready To Get Started Today
Get lifetime access today for 2 monthly payments of £49

Here's What You Get When You Order Today:
Full lifetime access to the 'Creative Practice Routines' course
Full lifetime access to the 'Beginner Practice Routines' course
Access to the members website containing additional 'tips' and 'resources'
Your Piano Practice Framework designed to eliminate overwhelm + A 'Get Started' Routine, perfect for beginners
5 'Plug and Play' Practice Routines designed to overcome 'your' specific stuggles
The tools and principles you need to take control of your piano journey
Access to the private 'Creative Piano Academy Facebook Group'
Plus These Amazing Bonuses
How to turn any piece of sheet music into practical exercises no matter what stage you're at
How to create 'infinite' melodic finger movement exercises
How to create 'infinite' chord progression exercises (Get so familiar with your chords, you can literally fly up and down the keys)

All orders 100% SAFE using our SECURE 'SSL' encrypted server
Disclaimer: This is NOT a subscription. You can choose to pay for the course outright for a one time fee, or simply spread the payments over 2 months using a payment plan. After 2 months, you will NOT be charged again and you will have lifetime access to the course.
"Although I have only been applying the principles of the Practice Routine for a few sessions, I have found that the major benefit is to introduce discipline. I am sure that others would agree that whilst YouTube is a great resource for learning piano it is also a MAJOR distraction.
Previously I have spent huge amounts of time 'trying out' ideas I have picked up from watching random YouTube videos without any real idea of what I wanted to achieve. Consequently I achieved very little.
With 'Creative Practice Routines' I am forced to think about where I wish to go with piano, define some goals and exercises aimed at reaching this, and I am able to spend my time with much more focus."
Creative Practice Routines Student
"Hi my name is Deborah, I have been listening to Josef on youtube for only a few months. I watched a lot of youtube piano videos over the last year and in the past I have joined 2 piano sites.
I have found through this course in creative practice routines exactly what I was looking for. Thank you Josef for taking the time and moving at a slow pace which gives the student a good chance to absorb your material.
My struggle has always been with hand independence, but Josef has a gift of creativity so you can enjoy learning instead of becoming bored with a boring routine that leads to nowhere.
Many blessing with your new site Josef. I would recommend your site and course to everyone."
Deborah Camuti
Creative Practice Routines Student
"Hi im a 68 yr old guy who is helping my 9 yr old granddaughter learn the piano. Our time together is limited so that's an obstacle.
Mariah loves to sing and loves singers who also play piano. After doing some of your practice routines she enjoys listening to the "music" she's playing and spends extra time playing it.
I am amazed at the speed of the progress she has made. She loves watching your videos. Especially the accent. Haha. Thanks"
Frank Rodrigo
Creative Practice Routines Student
I always struggled playing the same thing over and over again and having no practical clue how to get to the next level…
Creative practice routines gave me loads of variety in my exercises: Hand coordination, rhythm exercises etc. It paid off and actually got me canvassing for you. Yep! Whole truth.
I've found I can play from the way I feel. I kinda realised this so creative practice routines rekindled my interest to learn more. Am fired up and hungry for more!"
Abraham Osana
Creative Practice Routines Student
"I'm in the senior citizens bracket as I'm retired, and what I have found in following your videos is that I can make music. I'm an 'on and off' beginner, didn't stick with anyone particular so didn't progress.
But with you Joe I'm making progress at a cost I can afford. God bless you. So glad I found your site, plus you are pleasant to listen to and your music doesn't blast yours ears. Some do you know. I may be making slow progress but I'll catch the train."
Carol M Aspinall
Creative Practice Routines Student
"I've always struggled with what to practice and how long. When to change routines and how to organise my time depending on the available length of this or that session.
By sticking to Creative Piano Academy's organisation, which is logical and adaptive, I'm no longer overwhelmed and I feel more comfortable before, during and after my Piano session of the day.
What I also like is all of Josef's little technical advices that he inserts into his videos: Each is so useful, for example the one about slightly rotating the wrist while using a finger as a pivot has increased my left-hand ease of play a lot!"
Frédéric Texier
Creative Practice Routines Student
Have A Question...? No problem. Shoot me an email here - Contact - and let me know you're interested in creative practice routines.
Before you send a question in... here are a few frequently asked questions...

All orders 100% SAFE using our SECURE 'SSL' encrypted server
Disclaimer: This is NOT a subscription. You can choose to pay for the course outright for a one time fee, or simply spread the payments over 2 months using a payment plan. After 2 months, you will NOT be charged again and you will have lifetime access to the course.