Enroll Today In the Creative Piano Crash Course
For One Payment of Only $37
  • Preparatory Module: 5 Lessons to Set Yourself Up for Success

  • Day 1: Feeling At Home At The Piano 

  • Day 2: Your Perfectly Playable First Piano Chords 

  • Day 3: Getting Your Fingers Moving Melodically 

  • Day 4: Breathing Life and Movement Into Your Chords

  • Day 5: Ensuring Your New Piano Skills Sink Deep Into Your Fingers

  • Day 6: Nailing the Sustain Pedal In 3 Simple Steps 

  • Day 7: Developing Your Sustain Pedal Sound 

  • Day 8: Boosting Your Musicality with Melodic Pedaling

  • Day 9: Coordinating Complex Skills to Make Them Smooth 

  • Day 10: 4 Chords That Unlock Thousands of Songs 

  • Day 11: Unlocking Worlds of Musical Potential

  • Day 12: Creating and Your Own Chord Progressions

Crash Course

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Customer Support

"I feel so creative and enthusiastic!"

"I feel so creative and enthusiastic! Josef is so inspiring, unlike the scary old teacher I used to have. Now I play 3 hours a day. I don't even want to have breakfast in the morning before I get some playing in!"


"I can actually PLAY!"

"I'd never played piano in my life. But after following Josef's course,' I gained a lot of confidence. I can actually PLAY! My husband was like...

'O my god! That sounds so good! You've really learned a lot!"


"Can't believe I'm actually doing it."

"This really made your entire process click for me. Suddenly, I'm actually doing it-playing on the fly! It's not Mozart, but my son loved it and asked me to "do it again." I'm so proud of myself and can't believe I'm actually doing it! As you say, it's a wonderful feeling. Love your unique style, just what the doctor ordered."


What Students are Saying
"Ideal for me, a total beginner."

"I always wanted to play, but never got around to it. When I decided to start, I found Josef on YouTube and liked his demeanor. He's so calm. I'm a total beginner. Like, 1 finger at a time. The main reason I like Josef is, he does little things, shows you some little routine. It can be very basic, which is ideal for me. And now I'm picking things up a lot quicker. I have lots of enjoyment. He adds one little new thing each time. It's a little bit added to the sauce, but it's very gradual, that's what I love about it. You get a basis, you add a little, then a little more. And now I can read music too, even the bass clef!"

"Can't believe I'm actually doing it."

"This really made your entire process click for me. Suddenly, I'm actually doing it-playing on the fly! It's not Mozart, but my son loved it and asked me to "do it again." I'm so proud of myself and can't believe I'm actually doing it! As you say, it's a wonderful feeling. Love your unique style, just what the doctor ordered."

"Totally recommend this dude!"

"I love the way Josef breaks it down into little chunks. It makes me feel a lot more comfortable playing. And he doesn't jazz it up. He just gets on with it. He's not showing off his own skill. I mean, yeah, the dude can really play. But it was kind of a surprise because he just teaches, he doesn't show off.

"I've already got so much out of it. And it's so reasonably priced. Totally recommend this dude!"

"Very satisfied!"

"Josef gave me lots of little successes. The skills he has us practice sneak in slowly and almost undetected. And then suddenly, SURPRISE, there they are, clear to see and hear in your playing. Now I'm much farther along than I imagined. Very satisfied. It works!"

- Bernd Haller
"Wholeheartedly recommend."

"I like Josef better than other YouTube teachers. Most of them go too fast for me. But Josef, from the moment I watched him, he was very cheerful and not intimidating. He's a born teacher, some people just really are. He takes things really slow.

Now I'm much better at reading music and I can play faster than I used to. I can pick up new exercises quicker than I used to and my ear is getting better. I wholeheartedly recommend Josef. He's very encouraging. He really tries to find a way into it for everyone, even us old people whose fingers don't move as well as they used to."

"I have a real sense of enjoyment!"

"I love the way Josef has an easy approach. He's easy to listen to, easy to follow, and you feel like you're actually achieving something at the end of it. It's very encouraging.

He will say… well, let's try something else… and you realize you're being challenged a little more. It allows you to progress how you want. He develops each topic and you realize as you're learning more and more, you can make a simple piece of music sound so much better. I have a real sense of enjoyment!"

"Very good value for the money."

"I took piano when I was a kid. But they wanted you to do exams and Mozart. I just wanted to play The Beatles and The Stones. Then, when lockdown came, I wanted to try again. I tried lots of the rubbish out there on YouTube. But I never saw anything or anybody do what Josef does.

He hits a note with me. He's the sort of teacher I need. He's like a primary school teacher. He reminds me of
that. He has that way with it. And you can slow down the exercises and see what's coming next. I thought about going to get piano lessons, but a plumber is cheaper. Josef is very good value for the money."

"A no-brainer."

"I'm progressing 10-times faster since using Josef's method. The organization of the material is excellent. I'm an expert in online education myself and what he's doing is great. He doesn't just teach you to play songs, he gives you formulas that allow me to do a lot more. Plus, the investment is a no-brainer. I can't see how anybody could ask for a refund because the quality is there."